Spiritual Aspect of Being in Nature

Spiritual Aspect of Being in Nature

As you begin your search for an assisted living facility or care home, either for a cherished member of your family or for yourself, there are a number of important things to keep in mind. While it is always important to make sure that someone is as physically or as emotionally comfortable as possible, there is another essential aspect that far too many people pay attention to: the spiritual aspect, particularly when one is surrounded by nature.

Nature: Medicine for the Soul

Think about it from the perspective of someone actually living in a care facility: this is undoubtedly a big moment in anyone’s life. As a result, it can often feel stressful and overwhelming – any step that can be taken to calm a person’s mind as well as their body is a step worth taking in the first place.

This is a large part of what being in nature does: the types of smells that a person is exposed to outdoors, along with bright, vivid colors and undeniably fresh air, have all been scientifically proven to have a calming effect and are able to lift someone’s spirits during a time when it is desperately needed. This can allow a person to get better sleep, to be more receptive to certain types of treatment and so much more.

Pacific Pines

At Pacific Pines, we deeply believe in treating not just a person’s mind and body through assisted living and elder care in areas like Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear, but their very spirit as well. If you’re looking for more information about the services that we provide as a care home, or want to discuss the further benefits of spirituality and being in nature with someone more directly, please feel free to contact us today.